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PARMA: A Predicate Argument Aligner

Travis Wolfe, Benjamin Van Durme, Mark Dredze, Nicholas Andrews, Charley Beller, Chris Callison-Burch, Jay DeYoung, Justin Snyder, Jonathan Weese, Tan Xu and Xuchen Yao

The 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics - Short Papers (ACL Short Papers 2013)
Sofia, Bulgaria, August 4-9, 2013


We introduce PARMA, a system for cross-document, semantic predicate and argument alignment. Our system combines a number of linguistic resources familiar to researchers in areas such as recognizing textual entailment and question answering, integrating them into a simple discriminative model. PARMA achieves state of the art results on an existing and a new dataset. We suggest that existing efforts have focussed on data that is too easy, and we provide a more difficult dataset based on translation data which has a low baseline which we beat by 17% F1.

START Conference Manager (V2.61.0 - Rev. 2792M)